NETWORKING and Training
Outgoing visits
Outgoing visits of UPAT staff at NKI to strengthen the research efforts at UPAT by making use of the excellent research infrastructure and expertise available at the NKI Protein Facility in The Netherlands, are foreseen during the entire duration of the project involving the permanents staff of UPAT, the Group Leader, the Post-Docs & the PhDs, as well as the administrative staff and the application specialist, who will be hired for the ESPERANCE project.
Incoming visits
Incoming visits of NKI researchers at UPAT, to contribute to the running research and training activities designed for the implementation of the project. are planned at UPAT from NKI.
Training Schools
Three Summer Training Schools (TSs) will be jointly organized for young researchers from academia and industry, also relying on the extensive network of the ERA Chair holder with eminent scientists. Three courses are envisaged to take place in years 2, 3 and 4, with the following topics:
- TS#1: Integrative Structural Cell Biology.
- TS#2: Structure-Driven Drug design and beyond.
- TS#3: Imaging techniques in Life Sciences.
Practical course
Practical Course (PC) on Light Scattering, Imaging, Microcalorimetry in Biomolecular Assemblies and Interactions &
NMR data analysis through deep learning & cloud computing, 20-23/02 & 06-07/2024.
The agenda of the meeting is found here
Two workshops (WSs) will be organised to train local researchers but also contribute to networking and dissemination of developments:
- WS#1: “Challenges in Fragment-based drug design for protein targets
- WS#2: “In-cell visualization of proteins-protein assembly and protein-ligand interaction by microscopy & NMR”